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:: Expedition 2013

Conclusion of reconciliation expedition 2013

Konkluzionet e ekspedites se Pajtimit 2013


First part Rapport of Reconcilation Expedition 2012



False allegation of Police against CNR and Gjin Marku

:: Kosova

Bashkejetesa Shqiptaro-Serbe

Albanian-Serb Cohabitation

20 Mars- 20 Maj 2011
Raport i Ekspedites per OSBE/ODIR

20 March- 20 May 2011
Report of Reconcilation Expedition 2011

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20 Maj- 8 Korrik 2005
Ekspeditë e Misionarëve

May 20 - July 8 2005
Expedition of Missionaries

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Intelektuali i Kombit


By Mr. James Jeffrey
Ambasador i SHBA në Shqipëri
Ambassador of USA in Albania
Exclusively for the magazine “Law and Life”

Correspondent of Law and Life:
Dear Excellency! The U.S. has always protected and supported Albania/Albanians. Do you think that with the integration of the Balkans into a united Europe, injustices will one day cease to be perpetrated against Albanians?

Mr. James Jeffrey:
As Balkan nations work toward integration into Euro-Atlantic structures, they must certainly meet a range of social, economic, and political criteria. Doing so will promote an environment of peace, stability, prosperity, and help to ensure that the terrible problems of the past are left behind. This will require great will and commitment, and we are hopeful that these measures can be achieved. We, other bilateral missions, and international organizations jointly are eager to work with all nations in the Southeastern European region to achieve this noble goal.

Correspondent of Law and Life:
During Albania’s ongoing transition, organized crime, corruption, destruction of the environment, extreme poverty, revenge killing and blood feuds still predominate. Not exclusive to the country’s north, the “Kanun” and traditional leaders are more respected than the law in the south as well. In light of these facts, how might Albania strengthen the authority of the state and reverse these trends?

Mr. James Jeffrey:
Albania has in fact already begun to reverse some of these trends. It has made some impressive progress in the past year in adopting new laws that help to fight organized crime, money laundering, and terrorist financing. Albania is also in the process of adopting new laws establishing a witness protection program, and an amended law on foreigners, and we understand that other important new crime-fighting laws are being drafted for passage next year. In addition, Albania’s judiciary, its prosecutors, and its police are becoming increasingly professional and well trained. This is a result both of the efforts of Albania’s own institutions, and training offered by the U.S. the EU, and international law enforcement organizations. Nonetheless, Albania still has a long way to go, and that crime is the single greatest threat to Albania’s future prosperity and progress. Albania’s leaders must demand greater accountability and performance from law enforcement. They need to show courage in battling corruption, trafficking and organized crime, and they need to hold accountable those officials who fail to perform their duties. Above all, we must see more convictions.

Correspondent of Law and Life:
What do you consider Albania’s most pressing needs, and how might leaders and the population most successfully confront them?

Mr. James Jeffrey:
Albania is a young democracy, and the country has made remarkable progress toward institutionalizing democratic principles and a free market economy. There remains, however, much to be done. As I have mentioned, crime and corruption take a significant toll on the country, and there must be a concerted effort to bring them under control. Government and civil society must work together to do all in their power to address those problems. Political actors must weigh carefully not only their personal decisions and policies but the impressions they give by their actions. Inaction or apathy toward these challenges will only lead to further delay in becoming part of a larger Europe, and continue to damage the country. Conversely, as more local NGOs—many of which the U.S. Government has supported—work to stamp out these societal ills, promote anti-trafficking information programs in rural areas, and promote equality for all, the quicker Albania will be able to improve its image abroad. We all know who the crime lords and traffickers are, and the Albanian authorities, with the help of my government and our European partners will hunt them down and bring them to justice. With crime under control and corruption eradicated, a more stable investment climate will be created, making Albania more attractive to both foreign and domestic investors. Capital investment creates jobs and the framework for a sustainable and productive economy. These lay the groundwork for the country to realize its full potential in regional and global economic and political systems.

Correspondent of Law and Life:
What is your opinion about the state of Albanian civil society and its contributions to the country?

Mr. James Jeffrey:
I am very pleased that “civil society” in Albania is clearly becoming stronger, richer, and more active in a range of important endeavors. Democracy is a participatory endeavor, and we are seeing this develop in Albania today. We see non-governmental organizations seeking positive change in Albanian society, and I am glad to be able to say that the U.S. Mission and the rest of the International Community here have been able to support many of them. As you know, NGOs actively undertake information campaigns to raise citizens’ awareness about the scourge of human trafficking; they provide pro bono legal services to citizens who feel they have suffered from corruption; they engage in “get-out-the-vote” and election monitoring efforts to help ensure that elections are free and fair and that the electorate is informed. These and many other similar activities are good and should continue, but we must be perfectly clear on one point: civil society is not simply a measure of the number of NGOs that exist in a particular country: Rather, it is the sense that combined efforts can make a difference, because citizens have the right to participate in, and to help define, the social and political processes taking place around them. This sense is alive and growing in Albania, which is encouraging to see.

Correspondent of Law and Life:
What are your thoughts on Albania’s exemplary religious tolerance? Do you think the country’s political class appreciates/takes advantage of it?

Mr. James Jeffrey:
The last decade has been characterized by admirable tolerance among different religious communities here in Albania. That the Office of the President recently sponsored a conference on religion and civilization in the new millennium shows that your leaders are committed to continuing this tradition, and I am proud that the U.S. was able to support this conference. In general in Albania, matters of fith are not the sources of division that they are in some other parts of the world. To highlight this positive element, our Embassy sent five outstanding Albanian journalists and NGO representatives to Washington in early December to engage with American journalists and members of Congress on this very topic: Among other things, they discussed the country’s religious tolerance, and the positive way in which Albania’s faiths have interacted throughout the years. I believe these talks should go far toward assuaging any concerns about extremist elements gaining a foothold in Albania, and demonstrate the country’s ability to bridge differences in a unique and successful way. I should add that religious tolerance will be strengthened by promoting democratic values such as inclusive civil society, responsible government, and the open exchange of ideas.

Correspondent of Law and Life:
As you are aware, our forum (the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee) applies the positive tradition of community decision-making toward implementing positive change. Among these changes are the prevention of revenge killing, blood feuds, respect for the rule of law, non-exploitation of women and children, and the denunciation of drug traffickers. What are your thoughts with regard to our efforts?

Mr. James Jeffrey:
As I mentioned, NGOs here in Albania are involved in a range of crucial issues--the fight against trafficking, putting an end to corruption, strengthening the rule of law, creating transparent government--and the U.S. is pleased to have been able to support many of them. As Albania seeks its future in Euro-Atlantic and global communities, organizations such as the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee and others help strengthen civil society and participatory democracy here at home. We are heartened to see this, and believe the inroads these groups are now making will contribute toward lasting and positive change in the years to come

:: Gjakmarrja / Blood Feud

Gjakmarrja ne Keshillin e Sigurimit te OKB

Blood feud in Sicurity Council of UN

Leter per




:: Church decree
Statement about the decree of the Catholic Church for the excommunication of citizens who commit murder for revenge and blood feud.
:: Kultura e Ligjit/ The culture of Law
Kultura e Ligjit
Raport i takimit te Komitetit te Pajtimit Mbarekombetar me perfaqesuesit e komunitetit e faktoreve te shoqerise Per Kulturen e Ligjit dhe Shtetin e se Drejtes Perballe Krimeve Kunder Jetes

The culture of Law
From the meeting of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation with representatives of the community and social factors. About the culture of law and rule of Justice in facing crimes against human life

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Award of Virtue





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