Në fokusin e aktiviteteve dhe botimete tona **In focus of our activities and our editions**
:: Expedition 2013

Conclusion of reconciliation expedition 2013

Konkluzionet e ekspedites se Pajtimit 2013


First part Rapport of Reconcilation Expedition 2012



False allegation of Police against CNR and Gjin Marku

:: Kosova

Bashkejetesa Shqiptaro-Serbe

Albanian-Serb Cohabitation

20 Mars- 20 Maj 2011
Raport i Ekspedites per OSBE/ODIR

20 March- 20 May 2011
Report of Reconcilation Expedition 2011

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Aktivitetet tona
Our Activities

20 Maj- 8 Korrik 2005
Ekspeditë e Misionarëve

May 20 - July 8 2005
Expedition of Missionaries

:: Botime\Edition
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Intelektuali i Kombit


By Federiko Major
In my job as General Director of UNESCO, I had the chance to work with decision makers from all over the world. I have discussed with 110 heads of states or governments, regarding international issues such as education, science, culture and telecommunication. I have had the chance to discuss with them at length and to get to know them as people who face incredible challenges. I have admired the strength of their ideas and their visionary spirit that some of them were projecting. In almost all the cases, I have shared with them feelings of solitude and disappointment, when involved in difficult issues within a context of weak decision making structures. Often. even the best leaders need to work with a lot of patience with governmental burocracy , who try to push the boundaries of their activity deadlines for the next week, next month or next year. To me it is very clear and I believe that for many leaders, the solution to our problems of today will require a very accurate and more scientific knowledge, than the one we have about governments. However, this knowledge can be used to ensure a long-term vision of the abilities and valid options to the decision makers, so that they can overcome the vision of resolving only the seasonal or annual mini-crises. The present reality and the future interests us less than the past.
A new revival can only be achieved through persistence, courage and knowledge. Everybody has a role to play and each one of us should try to intermingle these qualities when dealing with global or local issues. Often I say that “ taking risks without having any knowledge is dangerous, but also knowledge without taking risks it is not useful”. May be the only fixed idea that I have developed in myself is the terrorizing idea of a day passed without doing something useful, and lost time. Often we are not capable to act as a result of not being able to feel intensively and immediately the sufferings that people go through; sufferings of the poor people in the poor countries. We should fight against this kind of apathy, often dressed up in an academics or political ‘gown’, awaiting the perfect knowledge, loosing the valuable time writing reports after reports (I call these people “the reporting society”).
In these circumstances we need the perseverance of a rebel. It calls for a mixture between politics and ethics – which is expressed better in a game of words that I use, “pol ethikues”. Ethics should inspire our political actions with such a transparency and imagination that pushes us to face big problems such as increase of population, massive immigration within and between countries, environmental degradation and poverty. The solution to these and other problems is becoming more evident.
President Diouf, of Senegal, has written “the road to modernizations means determination”. Each one of us has the duty to be determined to achieve our dreams and ideals. In this way, we should raise our voice, each one in his ways, and resist apathy. Some years ago, the west believed in its solutions. The rest of the world believed the West had the solutions. However, the conclusion was that “the lightening far can lighten in economic terms, in narrow areas and for a short period”. This derived into something very positive: all of us took a very important lesson, the need to be always in alert and attentive. If we try to express it with passion, politics, at any level, is not at all “the art of the possible”. In reality we need that persistent rebellion who, everyday, requires to establish the ethics in your actions and to make dreams come true…

:: Gjakmarrja / Blood Feud

Gjakmarrja ne Keshillin e Sigurimit te OKB

Blood feud in Sicurity Council of UN

Leter per




:: Church decree
Statement about the decree of the Catholic Church for the excommunication of citizens who commit murder for revenge and blood feud.
:: Kultura e Ligjit/ The culture of Law
Kultura e Ligjit
Raport i takimit te Komitetit te Pajtimit Mbarekombetar me perfaqesuesit e komunitetit e faktoreve te shoqerise Per Kulturen e Ligjit dhe Shtetin e se Drejtes Perballe Krimeve Kunder Jetes

The culture of Law
From the meeting of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation with representatives of the community and social factors. About the culture of law and rule of Justice in facing crimes against human life

:: Information
Rreth Nesh
About us

Our Activities



Cmimi i Virtytit
Award of Virtue





Për ndryshimet politiko-shoqërore
For the politico-social changes