00355 68 27 37 989 gjin_marku@yahoo.com


Address: Rr. "M. Muça" Pall. 46 Ap. 23 Tirana, Albania
Tel & Fax 00355 42 263 126. Tel 00355 42 259 124
Mobile 00355 68 27 37 989 / 00355 69 32 38 786
E-mail gjin_marku@yahoo.com
www.pajtimi.com, www.reconcilaition-al.com



The creation of the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation (CNR) was put forward as an idea in the beginning of political pluralism, in the autumn of the 1990, by a group of distinguished intellectuals aiming the prevention of hate and murders between the former politically prosecuted families and former communists' families, and presented to the public opinion in the meeting this group had with the former President Mr. Ramiz Alia. This initiative was supported by the most renowned representatives of the prosecuted families in Shkodra, who have started their activity as missionaries of nationwide reconciliation since 1991. One year after another they voluntarily realized the reconciliation of hundreds of families involved in enmities. In March 1999, Albanian Parliament approved the Law for the resolution of conflicts via reconciliation by sanctioning the activity of missionaries of nationwide reconciliation even the one using Kanun's tradition.
After ten years of voluntary activity, on June 2000, the reconciliation missionaries organized the first national conference where the President of the Republic Mr. Rexhep Mejdani was present also. The representatives of this conference presented to the President and to the Public Order Minister Mr. Spartak Poçi the request for the legalization of the activity of the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation, which was approved 3 months later, on October 18th 2000 by Tirana's Tribunal. The Committee would be composed of representatives of reconciliation missions, NGO-s and the most prominent personalities of social, scientific and political strata of the country. As a platform, its strategy would have reconciliation, cohabitation, prevention of murders for revenge and blood feud, gender equity, and integration of Albanians in the group of civilized nations. By promoting the culture of reconciliation and positive tradition, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation would continuously be supporting rule of law. For the resolution of conflicts in the society and the prevention of blood feud, the Committee created its triple working groups in every village, composed of the mediator, the representative of local administration and the representative of education, and established its directive boards in districts. The boards of the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation coordinate the work with other social and political factors for supporting the work of reconciliation missionaries in terrain. These boards coordinate the work with the police, local administration and education directories of the districts. All the reconciliation associations have embraced the program and the strategy of this committee.
During the transition years, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation has created its experience also in the prevention of conflicts between social and political groups. In the events of 1997, the missionaries and the activists of the Committee in the north were able to convince the families to not answer the call of the politicians for sending their sons in the war against the protesters in the south, in this way avoiding a civil war. The coordinator of the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation for the Southern Albania, Mr. Pasho Uruçi was elected by the people as the chairman of the Committee of Public Salvation of Lushnja for leading in a peaceful way the civil protests that were degrading into violence against the state institutions, stores and private residences.
For the process of reconciliation of the families in enmity and the stoppage of murders for Kanun, in February 2001 and in September 2004, CNR organized the Firs and Second Congress of Reconciliation missionaries and associations, where the common strategy and the methodology of the work in this process were approved.
The Committee is working according to the program and the strategy approved in these congresses, and for supporting the common declaration of the representatives of all the villages in the north and some areas of South, congregated on June 14th 2001 in Pukë where it was decided that: The respect of the rule of law; putting the responsibility only on the guilty person, who should be prosecuted by the state; liberation without any conditions of the locked in women and children as well as the public denunciation of women, children and drug traffickers who are the main causers of murders and tragic events.
The reputation of the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation and the good work of the missionaries in the villages have made possible that in these 17 years, 3680 locked in families get their freedom and 2090 families in extreme danger get the assistance of CNR in getting political asylum in the western countries. In its annual work CNR has focused its attention on the rehabilitation of women and children traumatized by murders and isolation. Apart the hesitation of the endangered families, it was made possible that 2160 children frequent the school without being afraid. CNR has made possible that 50% of the families involved in conflicts about land and property accept legal resolution and abandon Kanun's and blood feud psychology. Out of 300 000 conflicts on ownership titles, created by the law 7501 about the land, a law that was opposed by the majority of Albanian families, 170 000 families have accepted the solution with well-understanding. 120 000 cases of lands in the villages are in the courts, but because of the corruption in the justice system and public administration, 28% of them have not accepted the legal solution, while 25 000 families are still in the enmity for the properties in the cities.
By applying the positive tradition CNR has created the positive experience also in the fight against the phenomenon of trafficking, especially for finding and bringing home trafficked women that were the cause of blood feud between pairs. In these enmities 4600 families are involved. Due to the work of reconciliation missionaries 560 families of these women and girls were reconciled with the families of the guilty person in this way closing the issue without blood shed and without making it public.
The boards of CNR are working also for the creation of a new family culture against patriarchalism. Confronting the patriarchal tradition, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation founded Albanian Feminist Movement against violence, exploitation and masculine domination. On November 23rd 2002 in Lushnja and on March 5th 2005 in Tirana, CNR organized the National Conferences about the encouragement of the Albanian Feminist Movement, whose resolutions presented serious conclusions and requests for the political class of the country and all the Albanian society. The strategy of CNR for declaring "Gender Equity is National Equity" has found the support of international organizations, main women associations, community and state administration which have signed the requests for sanctioning by law the obligation of political parties for having a fixed quota of the participation of women and girls in the decision making processes. The publication of the strategy was done through the magazine "Law and Life" which continues to treat gender equity as an important national issue.
The promotion of interethnic culture and cohabitation and religious tolerance has always been the main priority of the Strategy of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation. Albanian people have an admirable religious tolerance and in its tradition it is renowned for the protection of the rights of the ethnic minorities because it gives them privileges as well. According to this tradition every foreign individual or non-Albanian group that wants to live in the territory of this country is granted free land, water for irrigating the land, the right to study, the right of religious belief and exercising his religion, the right to participate in meetings and free speech, the right of free movement and trade etc. When a foreigner would marry an Albanian woman, he had a lot of privileges. Therefore hate never existed between minorities and Albanian population. With the political changes, this tradition has faded, and often interethnic and inter religious hate is incited secretly. There were cases when Christian Crucifixes were blown up, mosques were burnt or racist editions were published. For these reasons, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation has repeatedly organized meetings with representatives of national intelligence and the heads of religious beliefs that play a constructive role in the promotion of our national culture and ideas on the religious cohabitation. Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation keeps a continuous communication with all the leaders of the religious beliefs. In most of the reconciliations the clerics are the ones that lead the missionaries in the process. In 2005 Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation implemented the 6 month project for the promotion of the Albanian positive tradition for the inter ethnic and inter religious cohabitation against the regressive tendencies. The project was implemented in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Monte Negro and had a very positive impact on the community.

Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation has organized its activity in accordance with the law nr 8465 of the date March 11th 1999 for negotiation, and with the Constitution of Republic of Albania, with effective methodology and necessary logistical support. The activities and the reconciliation process are oriented by the Advisory Board composed of distinguished personalities of the social, political and scientific life of the country, and are leaded by the Residencies, Directive Boards and the Triple working groups for negotiation in the villages. The statute and the program of CNR are approved by Tirana's Tribunal by the decision nr 3190. The registration in the Ministry of Finance was done in accordance with the Decision of Council of Ministers with a serial nr 10062000019. Committee has the following bank account:

Account Holder:
Account: 0030014473 Albanian ALL
IBAN: AL23202110060000000030014473
Beneficiary Bank: Raiffeisen Bank Sha

Account: 0040014473 EURO
IBAN: AL08202110060000000040014473
Beneficiary Bank: Raiffeisen Bank Sha

Account: 0050014473 USD
IBAN: AL90202110060000000050014473
Beneficiary Bank: Raiffeisen Bank Sha

Advisory Board
Prof. Arbën XHAFERRI, Mirie RUSHANI, Prof. Ylli POPA, Rubena MOISIU, Prof Zekeria CANA, Prof. Luan OMARI, Eni ÇOBANI, Prof. Farudin HOXHA, Afërdita SOKOLI, Prof. Shaban DEMIRAJ, Martin VULAJ, Ndue HILA, Aranita QILIMI, Prof. Afërdita ONUZI, Dr. Eno KOÇO, Prof. Et'hem RUKA, Dr. Rustem GJATA, Rrahman PARLLAKU, Dr. Arian STAROVA, Fadil KEPI, Prof Mark Tirta, Uran BUTKA, Fran Lleshi, Palok Lumi, Sokol DELIA, Zef SOKOLI, Kastriot BAJRAKTARI, Marie BIBA, Bardhok SULEJMANI, Myfarete LAZE, Flora GJEÇI, Shpëtim SINO, Mark Bajraktari, Meliha SHUNDI, Tanush FRASHËRI, Gjok MALÇI, Pjetër GJOKA, Dhurata Zeqo, Vangjel Bello, Pashko TOMA, Adem ISUFI, Vitore STEFA – (LEKA) Pasho URUÇI. Pjetër Noshi, Fran Shullani..


Residencies are permanent groups that implement the strategy of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation in the North and in the South.

Northern Residence
Its center is in Puka and it orients the work of all the directive boards of the districts in Northern Albania.

Southern Residence
Its center is in Lushjna and it orients the work of all the directive boards of the districts in Southern Albania.

Central Directive Board – Tirana
Gjin Marku – Chairman
Alfred Gusho, deputy chairman
Preng Cara deputy chairman
Englantin Bojaxhi, secretary
Sotirulla Hoxha, member

Directive Board of the North – Permanent Residency - Puka
Fran lleshi – chairman ,
Ded Peraj – Resident
Jorgjie Dodani – vice chairman
Ndue Dodani – coordinator
9 members

Directive Board of the South – Permanent Residency - Lushnja
Vangjel Bello – Chairman,
Albert Sanxhaku- Resident
Dhurata Zeqo – Secretary
Pasho Uruçi – coordinator
11 members

The branches of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation in districts
32 branches, according to the administrative division of districts.
Chairmanship of the branch: 5-7 members
Triple reconciliation groups in the villages: Representative of local administration, representative of education (School), Negotiator (Missionary)

The magazine "Law and Life" is published by the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation aiming sensitization and raising citizen's culture about the law, life, cohabitation, gender equity and integration. It communicates with all the levels of the society. It is distributed in all the Albanian territory. The magazine, apart its specific articles, it has also a supplement with actual or traditional laws. It was welcomed by the reader and has found the support of the business for the re-edition of needed copies for the local administration in districts and the representatives of central institutions.

It reflects the ideas, the activity, the strategy and the organization of work of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation found at www.pajtimi.com / www.reconciliation-al.com . The website is a contribution of Shqiperia.com and is administered by this company.

1-Academy of Sciences:
An Independent state institution. The main representatives of Academy of Sciences are members of the founding board of CNR. They have given a great contribution for the strategy, organization and realization of important national activities by CNR.
2- Police of State:
The general directory of Policy of State together with all the police stations cooperates continuously with Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation and the missionaries in the reconciliation process. They participate in all the activities of CNR, support its cooperation strategy for the issues of crimes against the person, against the property and against the conflicts that bring enmities.
3- Reconciliation missions:
NGOs – They usually operate in Tirana, Shkodra, Puka, Mirdita, Berat and Fier in accordance with the directives of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation and the strategy approved in both congresses of reconciliation missionaries and associations.
4- Foundation for the Resolution of Conflicts:
NGO – Operates in Tirana and in some districts. It has continuously cooperated with CNR for the realization of reconciliation process and orientation of the citizens toward the law and rule of law. It has given special contribution for the compilation of the draft-law for negotiation and for its approval in the parliament.
5- Forum of Free Opinion:
Cooperates with CNR in supporting the work of the missionaries and the sensitization of public opinion against the phenomenon of blood feud. It has high expertise in treating social phenomena and in orienting them in a positive direction
6- YES Albania:
NGO – (Young Europeans for Security- Albania), is a branch of Young Europeans for Security with headquarters in Denmark, but acts as an independent branch in Albania. It has realized projects about national and regional security in cooperation with Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation.
7- Justice and Peace: NGO- It was managed by the Franciscan Frats, with headquarters in Shkodra and is supported by CRS, Albanian CARITAS and CORDAIT of Netherlands.
8- Human Rights Group: NGO – Operates in Tirana and in all the territories inhabited by Albanians. It has the necessary level, expertise and experience for the protection of human rights and sensitization of public opinion. It continuously cooperates with Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation for the sensitization of public opinion for the protection of the right to life and publishes the magazine "KANUN".
9- Albanian Helsinki Committee:
Has a cooperation and contacts with CNR for activities supporting democracy, rule of law, human rights and the consolidation of independent institutions

CNR cooperates mainly with:
1- Ministry of Work and Social Affairs
2- Ministry of Public Order
3- Organs of Local Adminstration


1- President
It has continuously supported the process of reconciliation and the strategy of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation; it leads the Coordinative Council for the Stoppage of Blood Feud but it does not have the necessary expertise, tools and efficiency. On January 9th 2003, the President of Republic Mr. Alfred Moisiu called a special meeting with representatives of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation where he declared for the public opinion its support toward the strategy and the efforts of this Committee by guaranteeing his assistance. The daughter of former President Alfred Moisiu is an active part of the reconciliation process and a member of Advisory Board of CNR.

2- Ombudsman
Is a legal institution that has continuously supported the strategy of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation for the prevention of enmities, reconciliation and protection of asylum right of the individuals and families in the western countries, that are threatened by blood feud in Albania.

3- ACAC (Albanian Coalition Against Corruption)
Committee has organized common activities with ACAC in support of the strategy against monopolies and organized crime, and for the denunciation and isolation from the society of women, children and drugs traffickers.

4- Network of women organizations:
Women organizations and forums have participated in the National Conferences of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation for the Encouragement of Albanian Feminist Movement against violence, exploitation and masculine domination and in the meetings of CNR with representatives of community, civil society and media, For a Common Front With the State in the Fight Against Crime. They have supported our slogan "Gender equity – National Equity" and have signed the cooperation.

Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation works mainly on voluntary basis and has had very few contributions from donors like:
Foreign Affairs Ministry of Royal Norway: 2003 – 300 000 NOK
UNFPA: 2003 – 5000 USD, 2004 – 5000 USD, 2006 – 5000 USD
USAID: 2004 – 2900 USD
UNDP: 2004 – 1500 USD
Embassy of Royal Norway: 2006 – 1000 Euro
KESH: 2004 – 4600 USD
ANTA: 2006 – 3000 USD
Ministry of Work and Social Affairs: 2008 – 1300 USD

During the transition period Albanian society suffered an extreme disorganization and faced unimaginable crisis. The fight of the political parties for power incited the divisions in the society, the hate between the parties, corruption and organized crime. Due to the lack of state structure and traditional hierarchies many negative phenomena showed up and fed crimes of every kind. Violation of family and life, women, weapons and drugs trafficking, usurpation of property, smuggling, corruption and illegal businesses spread throughout the country and incited self justice and murders for revenge and blood feud, in the North and in the South. During these 17 years, as a result of actions by self justice 9800 Albanians were killed. The appearance of traditional law of blood feud came as a reaction of the citizens abandoned and unprotected by the state, thus bringing in the citizens' life the action of Kanun, which was misused, degenerated and was often used as an alibi for murders. The emersion of Kanun brought as a necessity the traditional reconciliation which fortunately did not degenerate. All the families reconciled by Kanun do not return anymore to the enmity and murders.
The law on property, approved with the consensus of both main political parties in the beginning of pluralism, was completely in the service of mafia by dragging in conflicts the majority of Albanian families and by letting all the lands fallow. In some areas this law was applied and has caused murders between blood related families. Only in the areas of Zadrima and the villages of Nenshkodra there are 2200 blood related families that do not communicate with each other and do not visit each other because of the disagreements on the land. There are 120 000 files of conflicts on land ownership in the First and Second Degree Tribunals. Due to corruption in these tribunals, contestable decisions were taken, that have deepened the conflict between parties leading them to bloodshed. The conflicts for women and drugs trafficking have involved 4600 families that keep their enmity secret for protecting their honor but wait only for the right moment for revenge. From 1991 until now 7000 families were locked in, isolating women and children as well, thus breaking every rule of Kanun. Only in 1997, when guns depots were broken into and all the weapons fell in the hands of the population, 2000 people were killed, 3000 injured and over 5000 families were locked in because of the fear of the enemies and criminal bands. In 2002, 1270 men had fled outside the country for hiding from the enemy.
Today most of them are united with their families after getting the right of asylum in the western countries. Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation has continuously cooperated with Albanian State Police and the commissions of asylum in these countries for the protection of the rights of Albanian emigrants that are endangered by blood feud in Albania. The stay of the families or individuals involved in blood feud within the territory of Albania is a threat to their life at every instant. These families are forced to lock themselves in or leave Albania. The isolation or emigration of the family in blood feud decreased the tension of the damaged party that wants revenge. The person taking revenge can find these persons in every corner of Albania. There were cases that the family of the victim has tried to take revenge on the family of the enemy even when they were in Europe.

The necessity of the effective rule of law and the support toward reconciliation process.

Until now, the Albanian state and its institutions posses neither the legal basis nor the necessary tools for protecting or assisting near the families involved in conflicts and enmities. The only ones assisting near them are the reconciliation missionaries that are leaded by human feelings for the reconciliation of these families. Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation and reconciliation missionaries were supported neither by the state nor by the donors. International Community has donated 2 billion US Dollars as contributes of the western taxpayers for the Albanian civil society. These contributions have served more to the mafia and corruption. After the crisis of the years 1997-1999, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation compiled a strategic plan for the prevention of murders for revenge and blood feud, which has presented to the President of the Republic, Prime Minister, Albanian Parliament and all the state institutions and international organizations. The strategy was published also by the newspaper of the party in power - "Zeri I Popullit" (Voice of People), but did not find any support by the government structures or by international donors. Missionaries were many times put into difficult positions by the justice and lawmakers in the fight against the phenomenon of blood feud, when a cooperation of all the institutions is needed. Several times, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation has made public the flagrant cases when the police, together with the help of the missionaries have caught the author of the crime, but after he was set free or sentenced to only a few years of imprisonment. The liberation of criminals, decrease or pardon of their sentence has brought the reaction of the other party, by causing the execution for blood feud of the person that was set free or members of his family. Over 300 individuals were executed just as they were released from the prison because of the ridiculous punishment that they received or because of the liberation through corruption. Lawmakers have approved a law that sentences over 25 years up to life imprisonment the person that kills for blood feud, at a time when the violator or the murderer of his family is free or had a ridiculous sentence. It is noticed that the margin determined in the laws for the punishment of the criminals from the lowest level to the highest is too wide and leaves space for misuse and bribes of the judges.
From the information that CNR posses, it was verified that international community has given special funds for the elimination of this tragic phenomenon, but they were distributed without any criterion or the necessary vigilance to associations and individuals that posses neither the voluntary basis, nor the expertise, nor the organization for contributing in the process of reconciliation and resolution of conflicts. The annual expeditions organized on the occasions of Christmas and Easter have established that none of the families in conflict or isolated because of blood feud do not know the projects that are compiled on their behalf. These project, are compiled according to the interest of the donors according to the connections that they have with individuals and associations created deliberately for absorbing these funds, without knowing the situation in terrain and the tools necessary for improving the situation in terrain. Regarding these misuses, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation has asked the Albanian Government and the President of the Republic to get the necessary information on where the donations for the elimination of murders for revenge and blood feud in Albania, have ended. In an irresponsible way, the misfortune of these families is being exploited by the politicians, governors, members of parliament, and first ladies for gathering funds from businesses for publicized meetings with orphans suffering from blood feud, or orphans of murdered policemen etc. With these funds, tens of centers for the rehabilitation of orphans could be established without media sensation and show. Tirana, with a population of over a million, has over 5000 orphans that suffer in extreme poverty and lack of housing, and has only one state orphanage that shelters only about 60 orphans. In Tirana there are about 110 isolate families, amongst which representatives of state police, together with their children that do not frequent school for years. The police, although the only institution that has made efforts to help the missionaries in the resolution of conflicts and prevention of murders, is in the same difficult position as the missionaries because it does not have the elementary legal and technical tools and cannot intervene in the situations of enmities without first having a denunciation. Yet, a family in enmity does not report that it has been threatened because of blood feud because in this way it deepens more the conflict and closes every possibility of reconciliation in the future. The families that threaten for blood feud do it in more sophisticated ways, without confronting the law, by declaring only that they do not forgive the family of the enemy. The governments try to cover the actual situation by asking the police to classify the murders only as murders against life or "settling scores" because they were unable to deal with this specific problem. In the Albanian parliament and in the political offices this phenomenon was considered as an issue that the state has difficulty dealing with. In the Albanian society the restoration of law's authority will be a long and difficult process because Albania still has lacks a political class with a mission for the development and progress of the country. Political parties have neither strategy nor ideology, nor mission. Their programs are only temporary electoral farces. Until now, the energies of the political class and the money of Albanian taxpayers are spent only in the tactics of the war for taking or keeping the power. The people suffer under the stress of extreme poverty, lack of elementary services and security of life. The majority of citizens has lost the hope in the future and lives a sluggish and apathetic life. Unemployment reaches the highest figures in the eastern countries. Not finding a way out, many youngsters have embraced crime and thousands of girls are obligated to work in the streets of Europe. The governments, not only have not encouraged the development of the market and national production activities, but have impeded it under the influence of mafia and operators of foreign businesses. Forests, lands and agricultural infrastructure are destroyed. Blood feud is spread throughout the whole Albania. Of course Kanun's mentality and traditional rules are applied more in the north however the difference between the murders for blood feud in the north and those in the south is unnoticeable. The migration of the families from the rural areas to the cities did not fade the phenomenon.
Through the implementation of the strategy of CNR it was made possible that 50% of the families in enmity reach reconciliation or accept the resolution of the conflict in a legal way, however every day new conflict come up keeping the number of locked in families every year between 800 and 1200. Even though Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation has verified the number, causes and reasons of the murders in all the territory of Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Monte Negro, it has not found the necessary support for administering, keeping under control and realizing the reconciliation of more than 50% of these enmities. Some of the reputable and successful missionaries are unable now because of the old age and cannot move as before. Nevertheless, they are being replaced with dignity by youngsters from their families, so the abandonment of the reconciliation process and the discouragement by factors within and outside Albania toward the work of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation, have not faded the will of the board to continue its efforts.

The difficulties of reconciliation process and protection of the families endangered from blood feud:

Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation not only leads the process of reconciliation, but follows and files all the cases of the conflict of blood feud. The reconciliation process is followed only with trusted people. The mentality and the psychology of the families in enmity that follow the rules of Kanun do not tolerate hasty actions, the leak of confidential information, publications denunciations and testimonies in front of investigative organs without their approval. Blood feud is more delicate than any other crime in Albania. Every hasty action by our side or implication, without being consulted with the families in enmity might cause bloodshed, indeed on the members of CNR, journalists or state representatives as well. Our meetings with the parties in conflict are confidential up to the moment of final reconciliation. We have had cases of murders caused by irresponsible actions or information made public before and after the reconciliation. In 1997, explosives was blown in front of the house of the leader of reconciliation missionaries in Shkodra Mr. Ndrek Pjetri, who was forced by the threats to flee from Albania. In 2004 the former secretary and the photograph of reconciliation mission Mr. Emin Spahia was murdered. Both cases are yet tracked down by the organs of Albanian State.
The persons that we contact in the families in enmity are mainly trusted persons of these families. Initially they are told to speak on their behalf without mention the contact they take with us, because in that way the situation is kept better under control. They are the most trusted persons of the damaged party, but our meetings with these persons are well-understood as having good intentions even when they are done in a confidential way.
According to the Kanun, the first action and condition showing repentance of the guilty party and humbleness toward the damaged party is leaving the previous house or self isolation. In contrary, they can be punished for arrogance and pride in the face of the damaged party. We recommend that the person changes residence or leaves the country as well as not appearing in public until the case is solved with reconciliation. We file the case according to the story of the person that contacts us or the written declaration of the representative of the party in conflict. Without the final reconciliation between the parties the life of the family involved in enmity and its relatives is endangered at every instant. For the families and individuals that leave Albania because of life threats from blood feud, Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation gives official certificates to them, according to the code and file number of the case to which he appertains. This certificate can be presented near the commissions of asylum in the western countries. Every document signed by us is authentic and identical to the file registered. This document is respected by all the western countries and OSCE member states, as CNR respects every request of the laws of western countries and their embassies. There were cases when certificates were released in a fictive way by association and individuals that have or do not have activity in the process of reconciliation. The asylum commissions and the governments of western countries should send these certificates to the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation for verification before refuting or accepting them. The decision for registering all the issues of enmities in the offices of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation is a decision of both congresses of reconciliation missionaries and association, approved by all reconciliation associations and missionaries. Every document released by individuals of these associations or others, without having the case registered near the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation is considered as invalid also by the state institutions and organs of State Police.

Activities of the missionaries and Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation

In support of the strategy, the missionaries and Committee of Nationwide Reconciation have organized these activites.

1- Expedition of reconciliation missionaries in Dukagjin (June- September 1992), Malesi e Madhe (April -May 1993), Shkoder (September-October 1994), Mirdita (September-November 1995)
2- Training seminars with reconciliation missionaries and representatives of the community for avoiding tribal responsibility: Malesia e Madhe, Puke, Mirdite, Lezhe, Kurbin (October 1996)
3- Meetings with representatives of the community of northern districts for abandoning the call for arming the youth and sending them against the protesters of pyramidal firms in the south of the country. (December 1996 – February 1997)
4- Meeting with the President, academics, politicians and representatives of diplomatic corps for the peaceful resolution of the problem of Kosovo and avoidance of war. Presentation of the letter sent to the parliaments of the countries of the region, United States and Vatican through the Foundation D&D "For the protection and integration of cultures". January –February 1999.
5- A three month expedition for monitoring the trafficking of Albanian women and girls in Italy. Meeting with trafficked women in Milano (April – June 1999)
6- 2 week expedition for monitoring human trafficking in Greece in Athens (November 1999)
7- Nationwide Conference of Reconciliation Missionaries in Lezhe with the participation of the representatives of Diaspora and the President of the Republic Mr. Rexhep Mejdani (June 3rd 2000)
8- First Congress of Reconciliation Missionaries, in Tirana. (February 26th 2001)
9- Meeting with national intelligence and representatives of religious communities for their role in the prevention of negative phenomena and the emancipation of the society, in Academy of Sciences, Tirana (June 4th 2001)
10- National meeting of the representatives of all the villages of the north and some areas in the south of Albania where it was decided the: The respect of rule of law; letting the responsibility only on the guilty person who should be prosecuted by the state; liberation without any conditions of all the locked in women and children; and the public denunciation of women, children and drugs traffickers as the main causers of murders and tragic events. In Puka (June 14th 2001)
11- One month reconciliation expedition in Kosovo, Gjakova (December 2001)
12- Publication of the firs issue of the magazine Law and Life (January 2002)
13- First National Conference of Albanian Feminist Movement, Lushnje (November 23rd 2002) resolution 1.
14- Meeting with representatives of noble families and of the villages of the area of Nikaj-Mertur, Iballa and Dukagjin – Declaration for the beginning of the national initiative for the liberation without any conditions of the locked in women and children – Iballa Cathedral (May 22nd 2003
15- First National Conference with representative of the community, civil society and media: For a common front with the state in the fight against crime – Academy of Sciences, Tirana (July 12th 2003)
16- Three month expedition of reconciliation in Lushnja, Karbunara, Fier Shegan, Kruja (September- November 2003)
17- Publication of second issue of the magazine Law and Life – December 2003
18- Meeting of reconciliation missionaries "On the work done for the prevention of conflicts originating from property and trafficking as the main causers of murders for blood feud – Shkodra ( May 30th 2004)
19- Establishmen of the Network for Democracy – Memorandum: About changing the political and social situation and the destruction of monopolies. Its presentation and approval by 210 members of the Albanian Coalition Against Corruption. June 21st 2004.
20- Second Congress of Reconciliation Missionaries, Tirana (September 17th 2004)
21- Seminar on the experience of the triple working groups in the villages and districts of the South- the model of Fier Shegan commune: bestowal of "Award of Virtue", Fier Shegan (February 2005)
22- Second National Conference of the Albanian Feminist Movement Against violence and masculine exploitation – Tirana (March 5th 2005) Resolution 2.
23- Eight Month Reconciliation expedition under the lead of the clerics: Monitoring the conflicts originating from the informal buildings on the verge of the approval of the law of legalizations (April- December 2005)
24- Session of European Parliament about blood feud in Albania. Speech of Mr. Gjin Marku – Chairman of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation in front of the europarliament members (November 25th 205)
25- Meeting with the representatives of the population of Kruja and Fushe Kruja about the commitment of all the citizens for the protection of life, environment and our national wealth. (June 12th 2006)
26- Second National Conference with representatives of the Community, civil society and media: For a common front with the state against the crime – Tirana (June 21st 2006)
27- Edition of the third issue of the magazine Law and Life (December 2006)
28- Monitoring for 6 months of corruption, connections of mafia with the politics, monopolies and the tendencies for altering the territory. (December 2006 – May 2007). Memo sent to the state institutions, international community, Hague Tribunal and European Court of Human Rights: About the flagrant violations of human rights and the actions against the national integrity of Albanians, the necessity for judging the crimes toward the population in the events of 1997 and the absolute necessity of the tool for the prevention of murders. (April 14th 2007)
29- Establishment of the Center of Reconciliation Missions in Babrru – Tirana, according to the program of Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation – October 2007
30- Meeting with the High Commissioner of Council of Europe, Mr Thommas Hamerberg: Report of Mr. Gjin Marku: About the flagrant violations of human rights in Albania, especially the right to life (November 1st 2007)
31 - 5 month monitoring of the environmentally polluting projects, informal buildings and terrains that threaten with massive murders: Nobember 2007 – April 2008. Request sent to Haga Tribunal and to the institutions of Albanian state: About the investigation of crimes toward the population through the establishment of the terrains for massive murders and dangerous projects to life and environment as well as about the cut of the connections of international mafia with the political leadership ad representatives of diplomatic corps in Albania (April 30th 2008)
32- 6 month monitoring of poverty as the main source of stress and crimes against life (May – November 2008)
33- National Conference on Poverty, as the main cause of family violence, murders, suicides and human trafficking. Resolution for the international institutions and organizations (November 25th 2008)

Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation
January 2009