Nationwide Reconciliation Committee National Assembly of Reconciliation Missionaries Address: Rr. “M. Muça”, Pall. 46, Ap. 23, Tirana, Albania Tel & Fax: 00355 4 2 263 126. web page: Report Of the 2 year expedition of reconciliation missionaries February 28, 2018-1 March 2020 Following the 6th Reconciliation Missionary Congress, held on September 27, 2017, the reconciliation expedition was reorganized into new structures adapting to conflict resolution through the courts of peace. Villages and cities of reconciliation missionaries were reorganized as cours of peace based on the Sixth Congress guidelines of reconciliation missionaries and the recommendation of the Ministry of, . The reconciliation expedition confirms that the cooperation of the government and state police with the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee in these two years has continued with the same intensity and has contributed to resolving conflicts and protecting the right to life of migrant families due to hostilities. Cooperation has also intensified with the State Courts, the Albanian prosecution and Western governments. This cooperation has enabled the number of social killings in Albania to fall below 50%. The annual average of homicides in the last 5 years has dropped from 138 to 65. The 2-year reconciliation expedition has further improved working groups for conflict resolution and reconciliation in 2600 villages and 60 municipalities. Only 2600 villages remain in Albania because 600 others have been abandoned due to the difficult situation due to conflicts, hostilities and lack of basic means of livelihood. Members of the working groups of the Abandoned Village Reconciliation Committee have come to the aid of the peace courts in the cities and communes. They consist of three to five people as before. In addition to the reconciliation missionaries in these peace courts, there is also an education and community representative elected by the municipality, or community administrator. They are completely voluntary groups and are based on tradition-based decision making. Their decisions are accepted by both parties to the conflict and have never been reversed. Following these decisions, the parties to the conflict continue to live in understanding and brotherhood. An ongoing concern for the courts of peace remains the laws and decisions of the state courts that not only do not bring justice and peace between the parties but deepen the hatred and promote killings. The expedition confirms that out of 650,000 state court rulings the parties have gone into feuds and blood feuds with tragic consequences for the killing of 4,400 people, suicide and depression condition of 22,000 citizens. Due to unfair rulings and corruption at all levels of prosecution and courts, citizens feel terrorized and have no hope of improving the justice system, despite the fact that the government has undertaken deep reforms in this system. Due to this situation, the lack of criminal policy and conciliation hearings in the courts, the number of homicides increased in the first months of 2020, culminating in February 25, 2020, when Fatmir Kolecaj kills his 36-year-old wife, Esmeralda Filopati, mother of three, and her brother, Vledison Filopati, 34, in their backyard, even though victim Esmeralda Filopati had gone to court. Also on February 2, 45-year-old Lulzim Cuku kills his wife Manjola Cuku in Durres in the presence of three children. 60% of the families in the village still have unsettled conflicts, most of which due to property issues caused by land law 7501. From the statistics of the elderly groups in the villages and municipalities, 265 000 conflicts over land and 51 000 conflicts within the family, 2960 hostilities due to murders inherited and born during the transition period, 12760 conflicts due to injuries, 9456 conflicts of honor, 3900 conflicts due to spousal violence, 4967 conflicts due to settled engagements failure, 29680 conflicts over property in the city, 471890 conflicts over land in the countryside, 28956 conflicts over insult, 37908 debts for non-performing debt, 3380 conflicts due to women trafficking, 479 conflicts within the family due to homosexuality, 12780 conflicts due to adultery, 9980 conflicts due to secret love affairs and 57709 conflicts due to divorce. In 2018, the New Generation Police in cooperation with the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee and OSHEE conducted a study on families in enmity in the 6 Northern regions of Albania and found that 716 families remained unprotected and at direct risk to life, 179 children who did not go to school but worked in the metropolises and were waiting at any moment to leave Albania because their place of residence was deconpirated time after time. The Reconciliation process has traditionally played a crucial role in preventing most killings, but when reconciliation is not fully achieved, the only solution left is to leave Albania. Western countries have played a very important role in preventing homicides by protecting the right to life of Albanian families seeking asylum because of hostilities. For these cases the Albanian Government Recommendation no. 1716, dated 29/9/2009, left in force by the Albanian courts and prosecution, requiring local and international institutions to refer to the Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation for the confirmation and protection of the right to life of families in hostility in order to eliminate any ambiguity and fictitious data source. Based on this recommendation, even during 2018 - 2019 prosecutions and courts have convicted all representatives of the state and NGOs who issued hostility certificates without filing the case for review and prosecution in the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee, which archives and monitors all blood feud cases as well as leading the national reconciliation process, organizing professional and legal co-ordination with the state police, the Albanian courts and prosecution as well as with western immigration offices and courts. The Nationwide Reconciliation Committee is the only professional and competent institution that leads and coordinates the reconciliation process in the field, finding the support of citizens throughout the country. In the recommendation of the Albanian Government No. 10/7 of the protocol dated 10 July 2009 it is stated that: - ... “The Committee on Nationwide Reconciliation provides the necessary expertise to the groups in need and the interested local and international institutions. The expertise is provided at the highest level of representation by the Chairman of the Committee on Nationwide Reconciliation ”. The Nationwide Reconciliation Committee has had the support and cooperation of UNFPA, UNHCR, the Council of Europe, the Holy See, Western governments such as the US, Germany, Canada, France, England, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Australia, Ireland, Iceland, New Zealand, etc., in all cases of protection of the right to life of families fleeing Albania due to blood feuds. UN and Council of Europe reporters hold meetings and confirm the support of the reports of the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee in the process of reconciliation in Albania and the protection of the right of Albanian immigrants to Europe. The Albanian government has undertaken a profound reform of the justice system but there are still shortcomings until the full establishment of institutions and the establishment of effective cooperation of state courts with the courts of peace throughout the country, as recommended by the Ministry of Justice. which has highly appreciated the submissions made by the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee on justice reform as well as the work done by the elderly (canonical courts) expressing their readiness to set up the Courts of Peace in cooperation with the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee. The elders (courts of peace) of the 2600 villages of Albania and 60 Municipalities, during the 30 year period of post-communist transition, have resolved by agreement and reconciliation over 900,000 conflicts and animosities over land, water, forests, pastures, roads within the village, crossings in forests and rivers, fences, livestock damage, timber harvesting, use of sand and quarries, burial and trespassing sites, intermarriages and breakups, marriages and divorces, secret love relationships , instant grudges and insults, debts, property damage, occupation of land in cities by uncontrolled demographic movement, conflicts over shops and their shopfront area, conflicts over construction, conflicts over disobedience to parents, conflicts over theft, damages and property, from rivalry to business, conflicts over city graves, disputes over expropriations, hassles of court decisions, hatreds for murders inherited before and during the communist system, hatreds for new killings, hatreds for honor killings, hatreds for murders for robbery, hatreds for accidental killings, hatreds for unfair division of property, hatreds for violence and conflicts within the family, about home and garden robberies, shoplifting, hatred over female and narcotics trafficking, hatred over outstanding debts and loss of casino assets, etc. Reconciliation expeditions for the period February 28, 2018 - March 2020, with their voluntary work without the support of donors or the Albanian state, have enabled 230 reconciliations between families in hostility to murder, 1005 reconciliation for injuries, 956 reconciliation issues of honor, 751 reconciliation violations, 654 domestic violence reconciliations, 6543 city property reconciliations, 9875 village land reconciliations, 10654 insulting settlements, 2431 unsettled debt reconciliations, 1230 reconciliations for female trafficking, 87 reconciliations within the family due to homosexuality, 5674 reconciliations for adultery, 1254 reconciliations for love between persons of opposite religion in opposition to family and tribe traditions, and 2067 reconciliations due to divorce. A consensual settlement has been made in collaboration with the police and state courts for the 15,490 instant disputes and conflicts that in most cases escalate to feuds and blood feuds if not resolved without a criminal proceeding. Mediation and co-operation has been consistently successful but in some cases can end up with tragic consequences such as the case of Joan Prenga's kidnapping and his killing for revenge due to the debt the brother of the victim had on implications for narcotics trafficking. In this case too, the police made their best efforts with the highest professionalism but it was impossible to protect the victim's life. Honor killings remain problematic because they bring tragic consequences by victimizing more than one person for revenge. On December 19, 2019, brothers Manol Rapaj and Elis Rapaj, 22 and 26, were killed by Martin Skendaj, 22, for opposing the love affair he had with the sister of the two victims. Many citizens have requested the police and state administration bodies to obtain a document to leave Albania because of the danger but have been rejected on the grounds that state authorities cannot confirm the presence of blood feuds as Albania's EU integration is hampered. On 20.3.2019 Nard Polia from Theth was shot dead after having returned from Italy because he was denied residence and had entered into debt enmity in order to establish a business. On 30.1.2019. Arben Bilali, a former special police officer who was held in solitary confinement due to blood feuds, was shot dead and kept under surverillance and under the care of his wife who worked for the police. Bilal had applied for asylum several times but was refused. Victim Arben Bilali had also been killed by two other brothers earlier because of hostility. On January 14, 2019, due to the asylum and conflict with his wife's family, immigrant Majlinda Lala returns to Albania and executes his wife's parents and severely shocks Albanian public opinion. Majlinda Lala and wife Nevila Mata had been living in Sweden for several months, but Lala had returned from there, and his wife had not. Also on September 6, 2018 Indrit Pepa was killed after returning from asylum to his estranged family due to blood feud. On August 10, 2018, Ritvan Zykaj, who was in conflict with his cousins and could not emigrate, kills 8 people in retaliation for a family including two children. On April 10, 2018, following the refusal of asylum in Sweden and his deportation to Albania, Marim Majollari, the father of which has been sentenced to life in prison for murder: "" On July 14, 2018, following the refusal of his asylum application and return to Albania, the child was shot dead by former police officer Boran Bërcana and his cohabitant Silvi Ndoci. In early January 2018, after refusing to be deported to Albania, he was ambushed by 23-year-old Marenglen Mema, who was executed by a car accident in his car, while in disguise. There are also cases of blood feud killings outside Albania due to the deconspiration of data from immigration offices seeking information on asylum seekers in Albanian state offices. In April 2017, former senior state police chiefs were killed in retaliation: Artan Cuku, April 8, 2017,, and Economic Crime Leader Ervin Dalipaj, April 24, 2017: " The cases of these killings following the refusal of asylum and deportation to Albania have come as a result of the government's failure to comply with immigration recommendation No. 1716 dated September 29, 2009 to verify their hostility to the offices of the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee. In none of these cases has the case been required to be verified by the Nationwide Reconciliation Committee as recommended by the Albanian Government. Trends in promoting blood feuds and inter-ethnic and religious hatred through the spreading of false information on the Internet have confronted the constructive actions of the reconciliation expedition. The Board of the Committee on International Reconciliation has referred false information and false reports to the state police. The prosecution has called for the implicated persons. On-line portals that have published these misinformation are also under investigation. These misinformation were caused by asylum refusals for some high-risk families in Albania such as Leonora Proni, Gjon Mhilli, Vale Gazidede, Melita Ziza, etc., which resulted in the murder of Sajmir Ziza and the attempted murder of Gjon Mhilli etc. Statistics: YEAR 2018 - The number of people killed due to blood feuds, honor, feuds and conflicts in 2018 reached a total total of 74 people, 59 men and 15 women. 26 people were victims of domestic violence. A total of 740 people were injured, 622 men and 118 women. 38 suicides in total, 30 males and 8 females. 25 people have committed suicide due to depression and fear of blood feud, violence and hatred. YEAR 2019- The number of people killed 34, 27 men and 7 women. 12 people, 9 females and 3 males were victims of domestic violence. 22 people, 14 males and 8 females were suicided. Domestic violence due to mentality in 2018 - 2019 presents 45 victims: 40% male 60% female: Chairman of the Committee on Nationwide Reconciliation Gjin Marku Deputy Chairman Preng Cara Secretary General of the National Assembly Sali Gera